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Custom button

If you wish to integrate a custom subscribe/unsubscribe button with your own design, you can.

These are the exposed pixel features that you can use in your JS code to do a custom integration:

await ninja.get_subscription_status();
await ninja.subscribe();
await ninja.unsubscribe();

Here is a sample code integration that uses these custom JS functions:

<span id="pusher_loading">Loading status...</span>
<a href="#" id="pusher_subscribe" style="display: none;">Subscribe ✅</a>
<a href="#" id="pusher_unsubscribe" style="display: none;">Unsubscribe ❌</a>

<script defer>
    let initiate_pusher_script = async () => {
        if(typeof pusher !== 'undefined') {

            /* Get status of subscription */
            let status = await <?= settings()->websites->pixel_exposed_identifier ?>.get_subscription_status();

            /* Remove loading message */
            document.querySelector('#pusher_loading').style.display = 'none';

            /* Display subscribe or unsubscribe button based on the current subscription status */
            if(status) {
                document.querySelector('#pusher_unsubscribe').style.display = 'block';
                document.querySelector('#pusher_subscribe').style.display = 'none';
            } else {
                document.querySelector('#pusher_unsubscribe').style.display = 'none';
                document.querySelector('#pusher_subscribe').style.display = 'block';

    let pusher_is_loaded_interval = setInterval(initiate_pusher_script, 100);

    /* Attach simple subscribe event */
    document.querySelector(`#pusher_subscribe`) && document.querySelector(`#pusher_subscribe`).addEventListener('click', async event => {
        await <?= settings()->websites->pixel_exposed_identifier ?>.subscribe(event);

    /* Attach simple unsubscribe event */
    document.querySelector(`#pusher_unsubscribe`) && document.querySelector(`#pusher_unsubscribe`).addEventListener('click', async event => {
        await <?= settings()->websites->pixel_exposed_identifier ?>.unsubscribe(event);