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Frequently asked questions

Here you can find the answers to the common questions.

Notification shows as delivered & displayed but did not actually display

In most cases, this happens due to device or browser settings where the notifications are turned off or due to the fact that you use a "Do not disturb" / "Focus" mode on your device.

  • Turn off "Do not disturb" or "Focus mode" on your device.
  • Go to your device's settings and make sure you have notifications enabled for the browser that is subscribed.
  • Make sure the subscribed browser is open / running.

Notification shows as delivered but was not received & displayed

There are numerous reasons for this issue. Here are the most common things to check.

  • Make sure the device is running and has internet connection.
  • Make sure the device does not have airplane mode or power saving mode enabled.
  • Make sure the subscribed browser is open / running.
  • Make sure the subscribed browser has notifications enabled in the device's settings.
  • Make sure the subscribed browser is still subscribed and the permissions for the subscribed website did not reset.

There are also other reasons outside of your control that might trigger this issue.

  • Subscribed browser has a bug in the current browser version.
  • Push service (from each browser) may be unavailable or decided to not send the notification.